Despite high interest rates, short loan period and tough conditions, usury was yet able to stand still in the financial change, which is a social and economic phenomenon worthy of detailed investigation and study. 尽管高利贷利率高、借贷期限短、条件苛刻,但依然能在金融变革中屹立不倒,这是值得进行详细考察和细致研究的经济社会现象。
It carried out international comparisons of national student loan system, Involving the United States, Japan, Canada and other countries. And, it finds the worthy of our reference on the basis of profound analysis of the causes. 在深刻分析原因的基础上,有针对性的进行了国家助学贷款制度的国际比较,涉及美国、日本、加拿大等国家,找出值得我国借鉴的地方。